I have been a fan of Christopher Hampton, mind, even longer: ever since I adored Mrs Botogol (as she wasn't then) bring the house down with a perfect performance as Araminta in the Philanthropist. That was very probably in 1981.
So all in all I was excited on Friday to go to The Seagull at the Royal Court [well, silly, because it's a play by Chekhov... in a new version by Hampton] But not excited enough to stay awake during all of the second half, mind, but in my defence I have to point out that the play was two hours and fifty minutes long. That's too long. But the first half was excellent and one bit really caught my attention; so much so, I sadly bought a script, so that I could copy it out in my blog.
Background: Trigorin is a famous blogger, who has recently got a book deal, and Nina accuses him of having a wonderful life. He replies
I don't see what's so special about it [...] All right then, let's talk, let's talk about my wonderful glittering life... (he thinks for a moment)And I am sitting there, in Row K of the stalls, (just behind that scottish bloke from Sea of Souls, actually) in the heart of metropolitan London, watching Chekhov, in a version by Hampton, and I am thinking to myself:
There's such a thing as obsession, when for example a man thinks all day and night about nothing but the moon, and I have my own moon. All day and all night I am haunted by a single obsessive thought: I have to blog, I have to blog, I have to blog.... No sooner have I finished one post when for some reason or another I have to write a second post, and then a third, and, after the third, a fourth.... I write non-stop at breakneck speed, and I can't seem to do it any other way. Now what's so wonderful and glittering about that, may I ask? Ach... it's a preposterous life! I'm here with you getting steamed up, but at the same time I can't forget for a moment that there's an post saved as draft waiting for me.
There's a cloud, see? which looks like a grand piano. I think to myself: must fit in to my blog somewhere that a cloud floated by. looking like a grand piano [...] I keep fixing on every phrase, on every word that you an I utter, and I can't wait to add all these phrases and words as soon as I can to my literary stockpile: never know when they might come in handy.
- that's good, I could blog that
- it reminds me of a post by Wife in The North
- I haven't posted anything on my blog for three days. I'm not a real blogger
But the qualiy of the posts Trigorin left would be debatable - if he blogged everything in his life (which he would have to do if he was constantly blogging) it would eventually lead to a boring blog full of trivial everyday facts. No what makes a real blogger is knowing what everyday things to put in, and to write them in such a way that they are no longer trivial. In short being able to make ones own life seem extraordinary rather than the boring life it is.
We seem to have a bit of a theme going, please check out my latest post. It was written before I read your post (honest guv). Anyway I didn't know that the little Russian guy from Star Trek wrote plays, multi talented eh.
grocer: no, I'm a great fan of wifey's; and I wish I had a book deal [would blog for money]
anonymous: indeed yes. the skill of a blogger is not just what you write about, but also what you leave out, and that's given me an idea for another post... watch this space.
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