07 October 2007

Simplifying My Life

I could kick myself.

Really: what's the point of having a World Cup Wall Chart if I don't read it? What an idiot.

In my defence: I never seriously thought England had a chance of making the semi-finals; but obviously I would have at least pencilled it in to the calendar, wouldn't I? You would think so, wouldn't you? A clue: 'no'.

So, at 8pm on Saturday England will play France in the semi-final of the World Cup..... and Mrs Botogol and I will be at a gay poetry reading.

Early this morning, thundering four abreast on our hardtails down the tow path at Ham, my friend announced he was simplifying his life. We were surprised, we said. On whole, we told him, he seemed pretty simple to us already. No, he said, by simplifying he meant he was jettisoning the unnecessary, the distracting, the inconsequential and the inessential in his life.

Well, we naturally assumed he was dumping us and we were a trifle miffed. "What, after all these years?", we asked, and I quickly mentioned the inner tube he still owes me.

But it turned out he didn't mean us at all. He meant... well.... So far as I could gather he meant he couldn't make the poker school at the Cabbage Patch of a Wednesday evening.

Simplify his life. And he's not even a Quaker (#41)

But maybe he has a point; maybe you CAN'T follow rugby AND go to gay poetry evenings.
Not in the long run.


Anonymous said...

I did wonder about your state of mind on this one. We are going to the Dr Who meeting, followed by Chris Ryan and then back home for the match. If you get bored during the afternoon you could go and watch Glos (league leaders and slayers of the Tigers) vs Sale (who will sadly be still very depleted due to our continued presence at the world cup). Cheers.

I, Like The View said...

what is gay poetry. . .

(I'm not going to ask "what is rugby", because you've explained that, as has almost every other male blogger I come across)[:-)]

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: That sounds like a decent plan. On the other hand a Capriciossa in Pizza Express also sounds attractive. And what could be better than Roy Hattersley at 6pm?

The England game: I reckon I'll be back for the second half :-)

ITLV: It's a flip comment used by facetious blogger for effect, and a cheap laugh :-)

I am actually going to see Patrick Gale (who is gay) but I don't think he'll be reading any poems. More ... in conversation about his last novel (he's very good)

Cate said...

See the rugby! You can hear poetry any time. Or maybe you could get one of those radio devices in your ears so that you can keep track of the score

Anonymous said...

Hi blueangel, welcome to greenideas :-)
I have my plan: go to the event (ends 8pm) sprint to the car, switch the radio on, and 90mph to the TV..

Anonymous said...

A gay poetry evening...?