12 March 2008

Happy Now

Our new uber-boss is keen on feedback and yesterday he polled his whole department:
After six months in the new org structure are you happier, unhappier, or much the same?
~ Reply in complete confidence~

Now, I am an old hand and not easily taken in by that sort of ruse and besides, by uncanny coincidence, it was only last week that we were asked to officially acquiesce to the firm's policy on personal private data..... so it didn't take me long at all to figure out how best to respond.

Inspecting the results this morning, however, I could see that others were less circumspect and I did wonder if I was unduly cautious. Perhaps I should be more open at work?


However, I couldn't help chuckling at the inadvertent openness of poor Chelsey, a first year Associate in Research who joined us only six months ago and who is, sadly, unhappier than she was then.... and who accidentally pressed reply-to-all.

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